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Shop from all the AIM Solder product categories including : Bar Solder, Cleaners, Cleaners & Degreasers, Flux, Flux Pens & Rework Paste Flux, Flux Pens, Paste Flux, Rework Liquid Flux, Flux Removers, High Melt Point Alloys, High Reliability Alloys, Hi-Rel Lead Free Alloys, HMP Alloys, HMP Bar, HMP Wire, Lead Alloys, Lead Free Alloys, Liquid Fluxes, Mycronic Jet Printing Solder Paste, Mydata Jet Printing, Screen Printing Supplies, Solder Materials & Masks, Solder Paste, Solder Spheres & Solder Preforms, Squeegee Blades, Spatuas, etc, Understencil Roll Wipes Cleaning Chemistry, and Wire.
AIM is a leading global manufacturer of solder materials for the electronics industry. Despite this distinction, AIM understands that customers need more than just quality solder product. The company's ability to provide solder products worldwide while continuing to provide top-level customer support is what AIM's customers know as the AIM Advantage. AIM recognizes the challenges of advancing technologies as their own opportunities, and their aggressive research & development program ensures that AIM Solder will continue as an industry leader.