Product Description
99.8 pure anhydrous (containing the least water possible and no denaturant) isopropyl alcohol is excellent for tape head cleaning, defluxing, stencil cleaning, other light cleaning, and as a flux thinner. Avoid bargain alcohols for critical electronic cleaning. Cheap alcohols contain much more water, which slows drying and can cause oxidation, while denatured alcohols leave residues.Features: amp; Benefits99.8 pure IPADoes not contain denaturant (bitterant)Non-ozone depletingIdeal for electronics cleaningProduct Videos
Container Type
Container Type Container
Physical Form Liquid
Odor Alcohol
Size 1gal
Flash Point 53°F
Specific Gravity 0.78
VOCs Content 787g/L
Applications Cold/Bucket Cleaning / Electronic Assembly / Electronic Repair / Fiber Optics Cleaning / Plant Maintenance / Ultra-Sonic Cleaning