Product Description
Ideal replacement for AK225-based liquid cleaners, which were eliminated at the beginning of 2015 due to ozone depletion restrictions (for more information, go to Precision V Vapor Degreaser Parts Cleaner provides azeotropic properties that allow it to safely and efficiently cycle in a vapor-degreaser. It is not reactive nor corrosive to metals commonly found in the construction of vapor-degreasers. Exposure to Precision-V solvents is less hazardous than other solvents commonly used in vapor-degreasers: e.g. TCE, nPB, and Perc. Precision V Vapor Degreaser Parts Cleaner has a lower boiling point than other vapor-degreaser solvents, reducing heat-stress on components being cleaned and reducing energy consumption from the boil sump and chiller coils. Precision-V Parts Cleaner removes oils, greases, silicones and other common industrial contaminants.NOTE: As with all vapor degreaser equipment and processes, observe all safety precautions, guidelines and operating rules associated with these units. Failure to do so may put operations personnel at risk. Avoid excessive vapor losses, loss of refrigeration, excessive boil sump heat, etc. Make sure all equipment is operated in accordance with the manufacturers guidelines and instructions. If in doubt, contact your manufacturer immediately.Features: amp; BenefitsPowerful cleanerNon-flammableNon-ozone depletingSafe on electronicsRapid evaporationZero residueSafe on most plasticsEPA SNAP approvedLow VOCVapor-degreaser formulaProduct Videos
Custom Field
Type Degreaser
Physical Form Liquid
Size 5gal
Chemical Composition Trans-Dichloroethylene / Nitromethane
Odor Faint Ethereal
Removes Oil / Grease / Silicones / Other Common Industrial Contaminants