Slow-Drying Citrus Flux Remover - EC7M is a natural, biodegreable, heavy-duty defluxer and degreaser. The Citrus Flux Remover delivers great cleaning on all types of fluxes, pastes, inks, oils, grease, acrylic and silicone conformal coatings, and most glues. It removes both ionic and organic contamination. The cleaner can be used on PCBs, FR-4, stencils, components, connectors, cables and mechanical assemblies. Lastly, it can disolve many adhesives, except for cured epoxies and cynoacrylates. It is the only benchtop formulation made with citrus terpenes and without surfactants, so it dries residue-free and never requires a rinse. Importantly, the Citrus Flux Remover also avoids the well-known flammability risks inherent in using old-style pine terpenes near white metals such as aluminum. The Citrus Flux Remover dries relatively slowly, minimizing solvent waste. It has a citrus aroma which is natural and generally non-toxic, but requires good ventilation. Avoid prolonged skin contact to avoid localized, temporary skin irritation. The Citrus Flux Remover is made from renewable resources. Completely ozone-safe. 100 VOC. Low GWP. Combustible. Test on soft plastics. TriggerGrip compatible. StatZAP compatible