IPA-Based Flux Remover- IsoClean presat wipes are an affordably-priced cleaner for fluxes, pastes, light oils. Noncorrosive and ESD-safe, it is most often used as a general-duty stencil cleaner and benchtop cleaner. There are 100 8x5 Wipes in each tub. 100 volatile, the liquid evaporates cleanly and rinsing is never required. These presaturated wipes feature the popular slam-shut lid, which extends the shelf life even when the package has been opened. No other company Features: this clever, customer-oriented and money-saving feature. IsoClean is safe on all of the materials found in todays electronics, including components, connectors, cables and elastomers. IsoClean is 100 pure, anhydrous (water-free) reagent-grade isopropyl alcohol (IPA), which makes IsoClean a surprisingly powerful cleaner. (Many IPA-based cleaners contain up to 30 water, which is added by manufacturers to reduce costs.) Ozone-safe, low GWP. 100 VOC. Flammable